Beach to bench

Jetting and fossiling are fantastic pastimes. We are often asked ‘can you find Whitby Jet on the beach?’ Well the simple answer is yes you can! However there are many other black materials on the shorelines around Whitby and identification often requires an expert eye.
Jetting and fossiling can also be very dangerous, always consult the tides prior to setting off as it is way too easy to get caught out. tide time tables At The Ebor jetworks we personally collect our jet material from the coastal area covering approximately eight miles and also have a handful of local collectors who scour the beaches on our behalf. As the only professional scientist to work Whitby Jet as a craft material, Sarah is perfectly positioned to certify that only the finest Whitby Jet is used in the creation of our jewellery. Almost everything on the Whitby beaches appears black when wet. To sort the jet from the other black material takes years of practice and an expert eye. Head over to our blog to find out more here Learn more about Whitby Jet here We also have amazing fossils on our beaches. The Jurassic seas were teaming with life in the surface waters. At depth however the water was anoxic which led to fantastic preservation of fossils. When jetting or fossiling keep well away from the cliffs. They are made of shale in the main part with a cap of sandstone. Cliff-falls are common and sadly in the past deadly. The best jet and fossils are found as loose samples on the beach, often along the tideline so give the cliffs a very, very wide berth. A hard hat is a useful piece of kit and we never go jetting without one!