Antique Whitby Jet Cameo Brooch £375.00
This Antique Whitby Jet cameo brooch exhibits some fine detailed carving, especially on the hair and head dress, with ornate leaves and beads beautifully intertwined amongst the curling hair.
The brooch measures approx’ 45mm x 40mm and is an impressive 17mm in depth from the back to the highest point at the front of the carving. Both the carving and the base/surround are free of damage or nibbles however at some point in its history the original brooch pin has broken away. The base plate is still in situ’ and a modern silver brooch pin has been fitted at a later date to make the piece wearable once again. The modern brooch pin does have the added advantage of having a safely catch on the closing mechanism to lock the pin in place once fastened. The replacement of the original brooch pin is reflected in the price, but otherwise this is a very nice example of victorian Whitby Jet carving.
We are happy to email further photographs of the back of this piece upon request should you wish to see it before purchasing .
1 in stock